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Start Your BID Journey

Build A BID provides you with the tools you will need throughout the development of your BID and carefully guides you through every step of a ballot. Our knowledge bank and blocks have been carefully curated by industry experts. Everything you need will be accessible via our bespoke members area.


Our expert team has over 20 years experience in place management and the BID industry. They have played pivotal roles in supporting BIDs through ballot, whether this is a newly established BID, or a BID renewal.
Meet The Team


What We Cover

Step by step support for your BID

There are over 300 BIDs in the UK which create over £140 million of income a year – so this is a big industry that is affecting places up and down the country.

The Regulations require each BID term to be for a maximum of 5-years so, every year, there are circa 60-70 renewals.

Whether developing a new BID or renewing an existing, it is a huge amount of work and requires deep understanding of the BID Regulations.

Build A BID aims to guide people through every stage and explain the intricacies of what is required to operate a ballot.
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Build a BID has a flexible pricing plan, allowing you to buy only the Blocks that you need, but with the ability to add additional Blocks as you progress. Contact us now for more information.
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Exclusive Access Members Network
Block Learning System and Downloads
Direct Messaging with BID Experts
Networking with Other BID Areas
Open Discussions and User Forums

Locus Services

What We Can Do

Grow your BID with confidence


Place-based technical and regulatory advice

Technical advice and guidance to help ensure your organisation operates smoothly and within relevant regulations. Including the development of BIDs and DMOs, place-based technical and regulatory advice and BID Ballot (aka renewal) support.
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Support in the management of your BID, DMO or organisation.

Management services include recruitment and staff retention, governance advice, training and development, corporate services (such as finance, HR, company secretarial) and marketing support (such as branding and communications).
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Measuring and developing the performance of your organisation

Including place-based economic impact studies, performance reviews (such as a BID mid-term review), place-shaping strategies and development of longer-term place visions.
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Valued Partnerships

Who trusts us? Places like you

Get in Touch

The Masters House
19 Lower Brook Street
Suffolk IP4 1AQ
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